Cheshire & Wirral Maths Hub

Developing Teaching for Mastery in your School

Developing Teaching for Mastery in your School


Are you looking to develop a mastery approach to mathematics teaching within your school? The Cheshire and Wirral Maths Hub are looking to recruit both primary and secondary schools onto our flagship Mastery Development programme. This programme is part of a national roll out of teaching for mastery and comes with a significant participation grant from the DfE. Please see below for further information.


Primary Teaching for Mastery Development Work Groups

The Teaching for Mastery Programme is a professional development opportunity designed to support teachers like you to develop best practice in maths in your school. It is suitable for schools interested in implementing a teaching for mastery approach to maths.


This programme involves sustained work alongside one of our mastery specialists for the duration of one academic year.


The main emphasis of this programme is on developing the pedagogy of teaching for mastery and this is driven by six half-day Teacher Research Group (TRG) sessions along with three half-day school visits.


The Primary Teaching for Mastery – Development project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools. Schools receive a £1000 participation grant for engaging in one of these Work Groups.


To join our Work Group – apply here


‘The mastery approach has changed the way that I think about maths and approach lessons. There is a great deal of work I need to do in order to ensure that I get it right, but it is going along the right path.’

Teacher, 2021-2022 Primary TfM Development



Secondary Teaching for Mastery Development Work Groups

Secondary maths teachers whose schools want to introduce and embed teaching for mastery can nominate two teachers (Mastery Advocates) to join a Work Group. You will be part of a locally based group of teachers who meet regularly to develop professional knowledge and expertise, as well as receiving bespoke support.


The fully funded programme enables you and another teacher from your school to become ‘Mastery Advocates’. Initially you will be part of a Work Group for a year, and you will also get in-school support from a Mastery Specialist.


The Secondary Teaching for Mastery – Development project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools. Schools will also receive a £2000 participation grant for engaging in one of these Work Groups.


To join our Work Group – apply here


‘Year 7 is solely Mastery and this will be fed through to Year 8 and continued in the same way. However, as a direct impact of using mastery with year 7, teachers have chosen to use some Mastery resources and teaching approaches with other years where this is relevant.’

Teacher, 2021-2022 Secondary TfM Development