Cheshire & Wirral Maths Hub

APPLY NOW for Primary Mastery Development Work Groups (Starting September 2022)

Primary Mathematics Teaching for Mastery Development Work Groups

Information and Application 2022/23

Work Groups

Each Work Group will be led by one of the Maths Hub’s Mastery Specialists and involve six or seven primary schools. During the year, they will work closely together to introduce and develop approaches to teaching for mastery. The Work Group activity will include:

  • each school identifying two teachers (Lead Participants) to lead developments within their school
  • the two teachers working together with the Mastery Specialist and teachers from the other Work Group schools in regular Teacher Research Group (TRG) style meetings and through an online community
  • each school receiving a termly support visit from the Mastery Specialist to observe teaching, to support in-school TRGs, and to work with the Lead Participants and headteacher in developing an action plan for the school
  • the headteacher working with the Mastery Specialist and other members of the Maths Hub’s leadership team to develop whole school policies and structures to support teaching for mastery
  • the Lead Participants, supported by the headteacher, working with colleagues to develop teaching for mastery approaches in the classroom, supported by professional development activity including TRG methods.

Following the first year, schools are expected to continue being part of the Work Group to firstly embed and then sustain a teaching for mastery approach across the whole school. These follow-on Work Groups will usually be led by the Mastery Specialist and will be supported by the Maths Hub to continue to work as a collaborative group that supports schools in their development of teaching for mastery.


Benefits for participating schools

Participating in the Work Group will provide the following benefits to participant schools:

  • High quality support for teacher professional development for the lead teachers, facilitated by the Mastery Specialist
  • Support for the headteacher in addressing leadership issues related to teaching for mastery from the Mastery Specialist and the Maths Hub’s leadership
  • Support for the Headteacher, from a local ‘Advocate Headteacher’ working with the Maths Hub – this will primarily focus on supporting effective development of teaching for mastery across the school
  • Opportunity to work closely with other schools also developing teaching for mastery
  • No charge for participation and a grant of £1000 to help subsidise teacher release time.


Who can apply

The Work Groups are intended for schools that are committed to using teaching for mastery approaches for primary maths. This includes schools who have engaged with the Mastering Number Programme in 2021/22. Schools should also have the capacity for engaging in significant development work during the academic year.


Expectations of participating schools

Schools chosen to participate in the Work Group commit to the following expectations:

  • The Lead Participants will participate in the regular cross-school Work Group meetings with the Mastery Specialist (half-days) and make changes to maths teaching, in their own classroom initially and beyond, by the end of the year
  • The Lead Participants will receive a minimum of ten (combined) days’ release time for development work including the above meetings
  • The headteacher will meet with the Mastery Specialist and the Maths Hub’s leadership as well as working with the other Work Group school headteachers
  • The school will introduce teaching for mastery approaches across the school and establish TRG professional development models to support teacher development
  • The school will provide any reports required by the Maths Hub and participate in any evaluation processes required
  • The school will continue to collaborate with the schools in the Work Group for the year 2023/24 and beyond.



There is no charge to schools participating in the Work Group. Each school will receive a £1000 grant towards the cost of the required teacher release time.


How to apply

Schools interested in applying to be part of a Work Group in 2022/23 should complete the application form below and submit to us. Early applications are encouraged.

There is the opportunity to engage in the programme with other schools that you already work with, for example as part of an academy trust or local cluster of schools. Each school must still make an individual application, but you can indicate on the application form the schools you would like to be placed with.

Once you have applied we will then make contact with you to explain next steps.


(Please note that this application form requires the details of two teachers, including teacher reference numbers and also a short headteacher statement).