Cheshire & Wirral Maths Hub

Recruiting for Secondary School Work Groups

Now Recruiting for Secondary School Work Groups

The Cheshire and Wirral Maths Hub is pleased to offer a broad range of opportunities for Secondary school maths teachers. We have detailed some of the key programmes below. We are hoping to finalise all Work Groups by the end of term so please do sign up now if you would like to join in.

Secondary Teaching for Mastery Work Groups

Secondary maths teachers whose schools want to introduce and embed teaching for mastery can nominate two teachers (Mastery Advocates) to join a Work Group. You will be part of a locally based group of teachers who meet regularly to develop professional knowledge and expertise, as well as receiving bespoke support.

This is our flagship programme for Secondary schools and one that the DfE is keen for as many schools to engage in as possible. Schools participating receive a £2000 participation grant.


Sign up here –

Mathematical Thinking Work Group

The focus of this Work Group is to support teachers in developing their understanding of mathematical thinking as it relates to problem-solving and reasoning. This is a ‘lighter touch’ programme compared to the mastery programme and consists of 5 half-day workshops across the year.


Register interest here –

Year 7-11 Coherence

This project focuses on participant teachers working together to ‘unpick’ (i.e. analyse, deconstruct and trace through the curriculum) a challenging topic, developing insight into the associated difficulties and misconceptions to support teaching in the short term but also considering the implications for longer term curriculum design.

This programme is suitable for any secondary school maths teacher who would like to know more about how tricky topics can be better taught from the beginning of KS3, through to the end of KS4. It is also a ‘light touch’ programme with 5 half-day workshops across the year.


Register interest here –

Maths Subject Knowledge for Non-specialists

This programme is designed to support those who teach mathematics at secondary level but do not have a specialist mathematics qualification.


For further information and to express interest, visit the NCETM website here –