Cheshire & Wirral Maths Hub


Our primary projects are based upon four phases of professional development. These are mastery readiness, development, embedding and sustaining. Each phase lasts for one academic year, therefore schools working with us are committing to sustained development of mathematics over a number of years. Many schools will start at the development phase and then progress; however, some schools may benefit from also participating in the readiness phase.

Now Recruiting (for September 2023) - Primary Mastery Specialists

Join the Cheshire and Wirral Maths Hub community and become a new Primary Mastery Specialist.

There are currently hundreds of Mastery Specialists supporting colleagues in their own schools and beyond to develop mastery approaches to maths teaching. Mastery Specialists are classroom-based practitioners who develop expertise in mastery and lead Work Groups to support other schools and teachers locally.

The Mastery Specialist Programme for primary teachers started in 2015/16. Each year around 140 primary teachers – four from each Maths Hub – complete a programme of professional development to become Mastery Specialists. In every subsequent year, each of these teachers leads a Teaching for Mastery Work Group. This involves working with participant teachers from six or seven primary schools within their Maths Hub area, so that these schools can start to introduce teaching for mastery themselves.

Applications close on the 31st March. To apply, please visit Primary Mastery Specialists | NCETM.

Now Recruiting (for September 2023) - Professional Development Lead

NCETM Professional Development Lead accreditation is designed for those who lead professional development for teachers of maths.

Who can take part?

These programmes are for expert teachers of maths (all phases from Early Years to post-16) who have existing commitments and responsibility for designing, leading and evaluating maths teacher professional development, and who will lead maths professional development beyond their own institution.

What is involved?

The PD Lead Programme is designed for participants who are working with other teachers to enhance teaching and learning of maths.

Participants benefit from the equivalent of three one-day workshops (face-to-face and online). The completion of an Accreditation Evidence Document, which facilitates critical reflection on participants’ learning and the professional development they design, deliver and evaluate over the year, is also required. Participants will design, lead, review and refine a programme of support for maths teacher professional development, drawing upon a range of evidence-informed models and activity.

To apply for the programme in 2023, first download and read the programme information documentPlease ensure you download and read this document before submitting an application.

What will you learn?

  • You will develop an understanding of effective models of maths teacher professional development
  • You will critically evaluate your own professional development programme against your intended outcomes
  • You will develop an understanding of the full range of potential outcomes of maths teacher professional development
  • Participants in the programme you design will report a change in their subject knowledge/professional practice

Participants will also have the opportunity to pay to work with the University of Chester and gain an academic award (PG Cert) for completing an enhanced version of the programme.

What is the cost?

The Professional Development Lead Programmes are fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so are free to participants and their schools.

Applications close on the 31st March. To apply, please visit Professional Development Lead Programmes | NCETM


Now Recruiting (for September 2023) - School Development Lead Programme

Who can take part?

The programme is for expert leaders of maths who are leading change in maths in a school or group of schools other than their own, and will benefit those who have previous experience of developing maths leadership capacity in schools/groups of schools or who are new to the role. Normally, participants will have previously completed the NCETM PD Lead Programme. Participants will be expected to commit to the full programme of activities and will need the support of the headteacher of their own school and/or their MAT.

What is involved?

This programme is specifically designed to enable the leaders of maths school development to enhance leadership capacity and capability in the schools they support. It will provide regional support through workshops (face-to-face run regionally across England, and online), practice development activities, and an online community.

Participants will plan, lead and evaluate a school development initiative for a school or group of schools and record all planning, evaluation and reflection in an Accreditation Evidence Document.

To apply for the programme in 2023, first download and read the programme information documentPlease ensure you download and read this document before submitting an application.

What will you learn?

  • You will develop your knowledge of a range of maths school development strategies and know why, when, and how to use them effectively
  • You will strengthen your knowledge of the evidence base that underpins school development and change management
  • You will design and lead maths development in schools, which is supported by learning and discussion in the programme
  • You will increase your awareness of the skills needed by a maths school development lead and have a deeper self-awareness in relation to the role

What is the cost?

The School Development Lead Programme is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participants and their schools.

Applications close on the 31st March. To apply, please visit School Development Lead Programme | NCETM

Now Recruiting (for September 2023) - Mastering Number Supporting pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

This project aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. Attention will be given to key knowledge and understanding needed in Reception classes, and progression through KS1 to support success in the future.

Who can take part?

This programme and its Work Groups are open to all schools that have not yet engaged with the Mastering Number Programme. Lead participants from Work Group schools will be three teachers, one each from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, with some support given to subject leaders and headteachers.


What is the cost?

The Mastering Number project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is FREE to participating schools and rekenreks will be provided to schools.

How to Apply?

Please fill in this Google Form to apply for Mastering Number – Mastering Number 2023-24 Registration Details (

Now Recruiting (for September 23) - Primary Mastery Readiness

This programme is for schools who have a commitment to developing a teaching for mastery approach, but who currently need additional support for improving mathematics teaching, learning and leadership. It involves sustained support from one of our specialists throughout the whole academic year and schools are expected to move onto the ‘Mastery Development’ programme in the following year. The focus of much of this programme is on developing a positive mindset towards mathematics across the school as well as looking at developing pupils’ fluency and looking at other school policies and practices.

Who can take part?

Schools will have an identifiable barrier to being able to successfully implement teaching for mastery at present. Barriers may include an Ofsted grading of RI or Inadequate, poor pupil progress in maths, serving an area of low social mobility, or issues in the school that have meant the implementation of sustained change has been difficult.

Expectations of Participating Schools:

  • To release the maths lead and one other teacher to attend five workshops throughout the academic year. Some of these may be webinars.
  • To receive the mastery readiness lead into their school for five half-day visits throughout the year, ensuring that the maths lead is available to work with them during that time.
  • For the headteacher to attend the initial training session and also to meet with the mastery readiness lead to touch base during each school visit.
  • To commit to developing aspects of mastery in their school through continuous work, in conjunction with the mastery readiness lead.

What is the cost?

There is no charge for participation in this programme. However, schools must ensure that staff are released to engage in the workshops and school visits, and that the headteacher attends events where appropriate.

How to Apply?

Please fill in this Google Form to apply – NCP23-08 Primary Mastery Readiness – Google Forms


Now Recruiting (for September 23) - Primary Mastery Development Programme

This programme involves sustained work alongside one of our mastery specialists for the duration of one academic year. Schools participating in this programme are making a long-term commitment to the development of teaching for mastery across the school.

Who can take part?

This programme is for state-funded primary schools in England. Two teachers from each participant school will attend six half-day meetings during the school year, and lead teaching for mastery development in their own school.

NB: Schools can only take part in this particular Work Group once. However, there are other Work Groups dealing with teaching for mastery which are available in the year after a school is in a Development Work Group and beyond.

Expectations of participating schools

  • The Lead Participants will participate in the regular cross-school Work Group meetings with the Mastery Specialist (half-days) and make changes to maths teaching, in their own classroom initially and beyond, by the end of the year
  • The Lead Participants will receive a minimum of ten (combined) days’ release time for development work including the above meetings
  • The headteacher will meet with the Mastery Specialist and the Maths Hub’s leadership as well as working with the other Work Group school headteachers
  • The school will introduce teaching for mastery approaches across the school and establish TRG professional development models to support teacher development
  • The school will provide any reports required by the Maths Hub and participate in any evaluation processes required
  • The school will continue to collaborate with the schools in the Work Group for the year 2024/25 and beyond.

What is the cost?

The Primary Teaching for Mastery Development Work Groups project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools. Each school will receive a £1000 grant towards the cost of the required teacher release time.

How to Apply?

Please fill in this Google Form to apply – NCP23-09 Primary Mastery Development – Google Forms


Now Recruiting (for September 23) - Primary Mastery Embedding Programme

The strategic goal of the Teaching for Mastery Programme for primary schools is to establish teaching for mastery approaches so that all pupils develop deep knowledge, understanding and confidence. Those who have worked on establishing teaching for mastery in a Development Work Group become part of an Embedding Work Group in their second year, focusing on systems and culture to support teaching for mastery as well as support for school leadership and subject leadership.

Taking part in this programme involves:

  • Preferably two teachers from the school attending six half-day Teacher Research Group (TRG) sessions throughout the year. Some of these may be conducted as webinars.
  • Receiving the mastery specialist into their school for one half-day school visit.
  • A commitment to developing teaching for mastery in their school through continuous work outside of basic attendance at the programme events.
  • The headteacher attending three short updates about teaching for mastery. These are likely to be webinar events.

Who can take part?

This is for schools who have previously participated in a Development Work Group. All must show a strong commitment for embedding teaching for mastery approaches, and at least the lead teacher from the Development Work Group must have already started using mastery approaches. The school leadership team including the headteacher must also be involved, to ensure there is a whole school commitment. If you think that your school is eligible for this programme, please contact our Primary Mastery Lead, Rachel Hounslow-Griffiths (

What is the cost?

The Primary Teaching for Mastery – Embedding project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.

How to Apply?

Please fill in this Google Form to apply – NCP23-10 Primary Teaching for Mastery Embedding Work Groups – Google Forms


Now Recruiting for 23/24 - Primary Mastery Sustaining Programme

One of the most important things about developing a mastery approach is that it takes many years to develop within a school. Acknowledging that, this programme is for schools who have already completed the Mastery Development phase at any time since 2016. It is our desire that, over the next three years, all schools who have already done the main Mastery Development phase will also participate in this programme. Each group of schools doing the Sustaining programme will likely work on issues that are most pertinent to their current situation.

What is involved?

Workshops are hosted in different schools during the year, with the first held in a Mastery Specialist’s school.

Sustaining Work Groups are a permanent form of support where schools can focus on continued improvement, consistency and refinement of teaching for mastery. Teachers, maths leads and headteachers are all involved, striving to support teachers, and looking at collaborative planning and subject knowledge development.

Who can take part?

Schools will have previously participated in a Development Work Group and might have received support for embedding mastery. Participating schools must show strong commitment from their leadership for sustaining mastery approaches, and for most teachers to have already started using these.

Each school will have a lead participant in the Work Group, normally the maths lead. At different points in the year, other teachers will also participate. If you think that your school is eligible for this programme, please contact our Primary Mastery Lead, Rachel Hounslow-Griffiths (

How to Apply?

Please fill in this Google Form to apply – NCP23-11 Primary Teaching for Mastery Sustaining Work Groups – Google Forms

Now Recruiting (for September 23) - Years 5-8 Continuity

Strengthen the transition from primary to secondary school

Who can take part?

This project is for both primary and secondary schools. It may be particularly suitable for linked ‘families’ of schools: primary, secondary, etc. A ‘family’ could be a secondary school and their associated (feeder) primary schools or groups of schools from within a MAT. Lead participants should be teachers of Years 5-8, ideally with some responsibility for curriculum development.

What is involved?

Work Groups in this project focus on curriculum and pedagogical continuity over Years 5 to 8. Participants will explore a selection of high-quality resources: Checkpoints, Multiplicative Reasoning and Algebraic Thinking materials.

A lesson study approach is encouraged where all participants focus on a particular aspect of the maths curriculum and work collaboratively to develop this in their schools. Cross-phase classroom observation and discussion of practice are encouraged wherever possible.

What is the cost?

The Years 5-8 Continuity project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.

How to Apply?

Please fill in this Google Form to apply – NCP23-19 Years 5-8 Continuity – Google Forms

Now Recruiting (for September 23) - Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics Primary Teachers

Develop mathematical subject knowledge and understand the pedagogy that underpins the teaching of it.

Who can take part?

These programmes are designed for primary teachers who would like to develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths. This may be particularly relevant for teachers that have moved phases or have not received maths-specific training.

What is involved?

This project is designed to improve the subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge for all practitioners teaching and supporting the learning of primary maths.

There are two pathways: Number and Spatial Reasoning. Each pathway consists of several core units and looks at specific topics as well as policy and practice. Exploration of modules in these pathways will take place during the course of the academic year, over the equivalent of four days. Participants in the programme may wish to follow one pathway this year, and the other pathway next year.

What is the cost?

The SKTM Primary Teachers Programme is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.

How to Apply?

Please fill in this Google Form to apply – NCP23-26 Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics (Primary Teachers) Programme – Google Forms

Now Recruiting for September 2023 – Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics (Primary Teaching Assistants)

This project is designed to improve the subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge for all practitioners teaching and supporting the learning of primary maths.

It utilises primary teaching assistant-specific materials and focuses on the following mathematical areas: What is effective in the learning and teaching of mathematics?; Number sense (part 1); Number sense (part 2); Additive reasoning; Multiplicative reasoning; Fractions. The modules are each designed to last three to four hours, but may last longer if delivered online. This programme will take place across the equivalent of four days.

Who can take part?

These programmes are designed for primary teaching assistants who would like to develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths. This may be particularly relevant for new TAs or TAs that have not received maths-specific training.

 What is the cost?

The SKTM Primary Tas Programme is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme and is therefore free to participating schools.

How to Apply

Please fill in this Google form to apply – NCP23-27 Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics (Primary Teaching Assistants) Programme – Google Forms


Now Recruiting (for September 23) Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics - Primary Early Career Teachers

Develop mathematical subject knowledge and understand the pedagogy that underpins the teaching of it

Who can take part?

Phase 1 Communities in this project are for those identified as Early Career Teachers – teachers in their first or second year of teaching. Phase 2 Communities are for those in the early part of their careers. They will have engaged with Phase 1 before engaging with this phase.

What is involved?

Two maths-specific subject knowledge projects are available to support primary Early Career Teachers (ECTs) – one is for ECTs who have not yet participated in this project and one is for those who participated in 2022/23. Both projects offer high-quality subject knowledge and pedagogy maths support for ECTs, recognising the requirements of the ECF.

Communities of ECTs will be formed in these projects, allowing for collaboration and practice-sharing. In both projects, teachers will design effective learning and teaching in maths, and review and analyse their practice.

What is the cost?

The SKTM Primary Early Career Teachers Programme is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.

How to Apply?

Please fill in this Google Form to apply for Phase (Year) 1NCP23-28a Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics (Primary ECT – Phase 1) Communities – Google Forms

Please fill in this Google Form to apply for Phase (Year) 2NCP23-28b Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics (Primary ECT – Phase 2) Communities – Google Forms

Now Recruiting (for September 2023) - Strengthening Partnerships with ITT Providers

A professional learning community for ITT providers and Maths Hub leadership

Who can take part?

Lead participants in this programme will be from the ITT community; they should be directly involved in ITT with a responsibility for maths. They will represent the various ITT providers across the hub region so may include HEI, SCITT and School Direct, and represent different phases of ITT including EYTS, QTS (primary and secondary), and post-16.

What is involved?

This project aims to form an established group of ITT representatives across the sector who are committed to developing communities of practice in order to review and evolve their provision.

Any work undertaken will be in conjunction with the leaders of maths provision in ITT institutions, to strengthen the partnership and agree actions that will support the deepening of understanding of teaching for mastery for ITT trainees at an award level. Activity may include working across hub boundaries and collaborating in larger regions.

What is the cost?

The Strengthening Partnerships with ITT Providers project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating institutions.

How to Apply?

Please fill in this Google Form to apply –NCP23-31 Strengthening Partnerships with ITT Providers Community – Google Forms